Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Everything tasted great! We have tons of leftovers, but we are sharing them with our friends who are moving in a few days. Thanks for hubby's parents being "Turkey 911" all day, and talking me through the meal. :-) We had cranberry relish, turkey, peas, parmesan mashed potatoes, dressing, and pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. I was in the kitchen just about all day. I had a bunch of other things I wanted to do today, but it took so long to make the food that it will have to wait for another day. Who wants to have us for dinner next year, so somebody else can make us the fancy meal? :-P

Check out the leaves in our yard! Thank goodness we don't have to clean them up ourselves. I can't even imagine having a really big yard with lots of trees.

Kitties enjoyed their Thanksgiving treat of tuna juice!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Adventures in Sock Darning

This is the first hole that has formed in a sock I've hand knitted.
(Sorry the color is off in the first picture.)

I used a weaving a stitch to fill in the hole. It still looked like there was a couple loose loops so then I secured them with a running stitch around the hole. Ready to wear again!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I've been working on some homemade Christmas presents lately! If you are on my list, everything is homemade this year. It is taking me many Sundays to work on, but it's fun, and I think everyone will like the items.

Haven't finished the socks for hubby, but I am knitting at a much slower pace lately. Instead of finishing 1 pair of socks every couple months, with knitting every night, I am aiming to finish 1 pair every 6 months or so, with knitting every now and then. In the long run, I think this will be better for my health.